Red, Yellow, and Green Goal Setting with Katie Podralski

Today on the podcast we have Katie Podralski, Owner and Nutrition Coach at Functional Nutrition Fitness.
Katie is a dynamic coach and I deeply value the message she is putting out into the wellness space.

Almost every morning, Katie talks about her morning routine. Very little happens without this habit taking place in her life, but why? Why is a morning routine so important? What could that look like in your life?

It starts with where you are now, what you need, and how to build that into your morning. It sets the tone for the entire day, and allows you to step into the rest of the habits you planned.

Katie also is a yogi at heart, which is one of the reasons she wakes up and does the same thing intentionally every. single. day. Whatever that looks like for you, the idea is to reset your mind and to "PUT YOUR OWN MASK ON FIRST."

We are not designed to have these bodies and minds that never stop.

We talk about the woo woo topic of meditation, the science behind it, and we even explore how breath can act as "a natural tranquilizer to the body."

We switch gears to Katie's revolutionary "Red, Yellow, and Green" Goal Setting Framework.

"Whatever life throws at you, you'll do what your habits are".... BUT WILL YOU? What if those habits no longer serve you? What if those habits are no longer possible in your new environment?

Red goals: A stretch. Your hardest goal to hit for the day, you must plan for it.
Yellow goals: Not as hard to hit as the red, but you might still have to plan for it, but it won't kill you!
Green goals: Non negotiable, easy, something that you can easily check the box.

Lastly, one thing that grinds both Katie and my gears: supplementation through products rather than food.

Think about the amount of space that 8 servings of fruits and vegetables take up in your diet each day... why would you swap that for a terrible tasting teaspoon of processed powder?!

When you focus on adding in 8 servings of fruits and vegetables, you are naturally crowding out poorer quality choices. You are also increasing satisfaction in your food and in your food volume!
We talk about some ways to add vibrant plants into your life, and the trade off that you are making if you don't!

You can find out more from Katie:

And if you would like to become a client of mine, you can find my programs, recipes, and meal plans at:

and on instagram at @keepyourplantson