Raising Healthy Eaters with Dr. Julie

This week I welcomed back to the podcast Dr. Julie T. Anné, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Eating Disorder Specialist.

We often think about how we want our lives to look, our health, and our habits. What we may not realize is how directly we are influencing those around us, especially our families and our children.

In the midst of this culture that values only thinness at any cost, we have to be intentional about this.

Our grandparents had atkins, our parents had low fat, we have paleo, our kids deserve food freedom. How do we build a healthy environment that also allows our family to have a healthy relationship to food?

Whether we know it or not, there are always little ears around us, taking in the information we are putting out. The mother is a child's first view of their own body. When you are dissatisfied with yours, constantly pinching or manipulating it, what is that communicating to your child?

Should they also be noticing their stomach?

Dr. Julie gives new ways to understand genetics and habitual inheritance, but at the end of the day this podcast is engineered to bring your home HOPE.

Hint: it starts with you. You can not lead if you are still shackled.

Internal vs. external values

What are you saying about others (Body, weight, appearance)

What do your kids hear you say about yourself, body, weight?

Non-appearance traits

How do we pursue ourselves or guide our kids towards a healthy weight without obsessing over food?

(another hint: intuitive eating)

I know you are going to learn SO MUCH from this episode, so please let me know your thoughts!

You can find more resources from Dr. Julie T. Anné below:


Instagram: @drjulietanne
Facebook: @julietannephd
Website: aNewBeginning.com

Facebook: TheHealthyWeighOut: @TheHealthyWeighOut

and you can find my programs, recipes, and meal plans at:


and on instagram at @keepyourplantson