HOW TO STOP STARTING OVER. Inside Look at How We Coach Clients Towards Stronger Goals and Systems

On this week’s podcast, Sam and I dive deep into one of the most pervasive times of the year for diet culture thoughts. January 1st.

Sam and I treat this podcast as we would a coaching session. We talk you through the ways we coach clients towards better, more transformative goals, clearer implementation, and sustainability.

Here’s what we cover:
-Starting over starts to serve as the “savior.”

-Starting over takes any responsibility away from showing up now. It teaches you that if you are going to fail, you might as well fail hard and start over again when you can be perfect. Because if you can’t be perfect, you might as well not show up at all.

-Last Supper Mentality- if tonight is your “last chance” to have ice cream because you have already decided you are going to cut out sugar tomorrow, then why would you ever have a normal amount of icecream?!

Think of how different your health would be if you decided you never had to start over?

The threat of failure is what kills sustainability.

-Think of your health, your body, your habits as continuous
-you have 3-7 chances everyday to choose foods that support your health
-if it’s ever changing, each second is a renewal of opportunity for me to do things that make me feel well right now and for the health of my future self
-If there is no endpoint, there doesn’t have to be extremes
-A muffin at breakfast doesn’t mean you have to have pizza for lunch and candy for dinner.

Resolutions are January’s version of a detox.

There’s a reason why companies are able to continually sell these short term solutions year after year - because most people don’t achieve the resolutions they set out to achieve in that year; not for lack of effort, but rather because they haven’t invested in a system, an education, or a mind which allows them to succeed. (We will teach you how!)

We are not anti change- we are anti OBSESSION with your body and anti changes that get you farther from where you actually want to go. We are anti AIMLESS change, rather than personalized, tailored to you change.

Resolutions vs Intentions:
-short term vs indefinite
-muscle through vs enjoy
-do something vs be someone
-perfection vs balance

How to set new year’s intentions:
Outcomes vs goals

Goals are the requirements today of the person you want to be tomorrow. Goals are your moment by moment opportunities to show up differently than you have before.

The more extreme the goals you set, the more extreme the backlash.
How to set goals that don’t have a backlash:

-Start expecting that you will show up NOW.
Start looking for the moments that growth exists.

-Build self trust.
Your thoughts are prophecies. Stop setting goals that you do not expect to achieve. Stop being okay with letting yourself down.
Lower your pride and your goals, and start achieving consistent small wins, rather than inconsistent huge ones.

-Small wins (reflect on progress)
If we do not acknowledge our victories, they did not happen.
Without a reward, that habit loop breaks and sustainability will rely on sheer willpower and discipline, never habitual ease.

-Look at your pain points. AKA PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR EXCUSES.
Know yourself and adapt. Excuses help you to know yourself and allow you to adapt, if you are willing to listen.

-Look at your thoughts.
Your thoughts shape your behavior. Our thoughts are not true when our thoughts are not challenged.

-Start planning meals that excite you (1x a week)

-Try one new vegetable a week.
-Take personal calls walking.
-Send notes
-Go to bed without your phone

If any of this resonated with you, was helpful, or got you thinking, AWESOME.
Reach out, ask questions, and know that we are here for you and your health!

You can find me on instagram @keepyourplantson and Sam @samwellnutrition
You can my recipes, blog, and life changing health program at

Happy New Year!